"THE 95.1 per cent of callers to the Herald Sun Voteline question can't be wrong.
Only 4.9 per cent of callers last Friday said graffiti artists should not go to jail.
The reality is something else. It seems graffiti hit squads can come to Melbourne from interstate, get caught and then get off very lightly indeed."
So says writer and social commentator Christopher Bantick in his opinion piece, 'Melbourne gets the big spray'. Sorry, Christopher, but since when did mass opinion actually have anything to do with being correct or accurate? Once upon a time 95.1% of people probably would have told you that the reason their cows had died that winter was because of a witch's curse, but would they have been right?
"Graffiti hit squads."
Oh, but this creates the most delightful mental image...
The Magistrate at the poor guys' hearing, John Hardy, said that their 'raid' was 'sinister'.
In what way is breaking into Epping Railyards and writing on trains a raid and how could it be construed as sinister?
John Hardy also said that they needed to be made an 'example' of to dissuade others from similar actions. Uh yeah, because other peoples' punishments have always stopped crime...
Glad to see someone else is angry about this. Or at least concerned.
And the way the media attempts to drub up moral panic in the public is woeful.
Apparently, I'm Venom and Superman, btw. Terrible...
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